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Learning Methods to be Use by Lecturer

There are many methods of learning that can be applied by lecturers, teachers in general . The method is a continuum ranging from expository until discovery. Learning strategies are intended for their lecturers in improving the quality of education.

  • Practical Examples: learning strategies in an attempt to relate theory to practice.
  • Show and Tell: This strategy is done on the assumption that if a student can explain a concept to another, then he has to understand the concept. This strategy begins with proof in the form of a demonstration, followed by an explanation of the concept.
  • Case Study: is an attempt to bring the classroom into the real situation. Terms of this strategy is that the case raised are real cases, not illustrative case.
  • Guided Design Project: is a strategy to introduce a concept or experience of the application of theory in real life. Given project is a prototype application of a concept or theory, and for that they need some sort of guide lecturer, both written and direct guidance.
  • Flowchart Technique: introduce or deepen the systematic logic or a concept or thought of organizing a student to a particular concept in a systematic.
  • Brainstorming: increase participation and creativity of ideas.
  • Learning Software: specific learning software that allows students to learn independently or improve learning efficiency.
  • Feedback Sheet: one of the efforts to enhance the learning process through the acquisition of feedback from students.
All of the above strategy can of course be combined or used individually in accordance with the context and the desired learning objectives.

Causes of Low Quality Education

National education policy and education approach or input-output function analisys are not implemented consistently.
This approach saw that the educational institution that serves as a production center if filled all the inputs required in the production activities, the institution would produce the desired output. Input problems such as: low student achievement, poor infrastructure, lack of infrastructure development

Effectiveness of Education
Effective education is an education that allows learners to learn easy, fun and can be achieved objectives as expected. As such, educators are required to improve the effectiveness of learning for learning can be useful.

Efficiency of teaching
Efficiency is how to generate the effectiveness of a goal with a process that is more cheap. In the educational process will be much better if we take into account to obtain good results without forgetting the good. The concept of efficiency will result if the desired output can be generated optimally with only a relatively fixed input , or if the input is as small as possible can produce optimal output . The concept of efficiency itself consists of technological efficiency and economic efficiency.

Frequent changes in the curriculum
Good education system also plays an important role in improving the efficiency of education in Indonesia. It is unfortunate that our educational unit also changing so confuse the educators and learners.

Unpreparedness regional autonomy in the administration of education
Decentralization and autonomy of education that has entered its ninth year of service management has not created an effective and efficient education. This can be seen on: funding allocation system, the contribution of local government

Standardization of education
Standard and competence in formal and informal education avid visible only to standards and competencies. Quality is measured by the standard of education and competence in various versions. The review of standards and competencies to improve the quality of education eventually led us into the disclosure of the existence of hidden dangers, namely the possibility of education circumscribed by the standards of competence only so lose the meaning and purpose of education.

Phenomenon That Among Students

Educator or people who know about education realize that education must be attention. Not a little man assumed the importance of education, education educate people to be good man, usefull for other people, but often education is not humanize humans.

Psychologically adolescents transition to adulthood is often the case where the inner upheavals and outbursts of very high expression of creativity. If the outburst and the search for identity is not met then they will tend to negative form. Teenagers have a very important role, namely as the future generation so that learners require to maximize the self. On the other hand, at that age, adolescents are faced with many obstacles and challenges, both within itself and from outside him.

In adolescence are also growing attitude that tends to deliver or follow their opinions, ideas, values, habits, preferences, or desires of others. Attitudes on adolescent development can provide a positive or negative impact on him. If the group followed showed the attitudes and behaviors of religion can be justified morally, such as groups of devout religious, noble character, in developing creative talent, diligent study, actively organize, then most likely the teen will show good personal. Conversely, if the group was to show the attitude and behavior or harassing moral values, it is possible to show the adolescent group behavior as that.

Through religion, maybe can be found universal values that can serve to provide answers about the ultimate purpose of life of mankind in this world, and can be controllers, and control of the development of the system of modern culture and civilization, or at least have a braking effect against the tendency of modern society and the nature of the free without the control.